Red flashing medium intensity with red flashing L-810(F) mimic with L-864

Day Protection = Aviation Orange/White paint
Night Protection = 2,000 cd red light (32 cd red side lights for A1)

  • For towers 45 meter high or below: 1 or 2 red light L-810 (fixed mode) at the top

  • For towers between 46m and 107m high: 1 red flashing medium intensity L-864 at the top with 2 or 3 L-810(F) at mid level in flashing mode sync with L-864

  • For towers higher than 107m high: red flashing medium intensity L-864 at the top and at intermediate levels

  • At the bottom control cabinet (in option)

Selection of lamps

Compact Medium Intensity FAA L-864 (AC 150/5345-43J) ETL listedOFC-RI-240
FAA L-810 (AC 150/5345-43J) ETL listed in red fixed or flashing modeNAVILITE-IR-FAA-120-240V
Monitoring and control boxOFC-CTR-240
cellule photoelectrique Calibrated ambient sensor (photocell) for night onlyPHOTOCELL DC

See other types of standards

TypeGo to the page
Type BSee Obstruction lighting for pylons as per FAA TYPE B
Type CSee Obstruction lighting for pylons as per FAA TYPE C
Type DSee Obstruction lighting for pylons as per FAA TYPE D
Type ESee Obstruction lighting for pylons as per FAA TYPE E
Type FSee Obstruction lighting for pylons as per FAA TYPE F
Type GSee Obstruction lighting for pylons as per FAA TYPE G