Obstruction lighting system for high voltage lines, red fixed low intensity

Balisor B115 110KV to 130KV
Part Number B115
Balisor B115 110KV to 130KV

The BALISOR® system comprises :

  • long life cold neon discharge lamp B49 manufactured by OBSTA,
  • a set of capacitive tapings in aluminium, the lenght depends on the voltage of the line to be protected,
  • a set of flexible accessories for suspension and insulation which depends on diameter of the cable

The power supply by capacitive effect ensures a constant light intensity whatever is the value of the electric current crossing the line

High-voltage lines are major hazards for low-flying aircraft. Placing beacons on pylons is not sufficient to ensure safety due to the very long spans of cable (extract of Aerodrom Design Manual chapter 14.7 annex 4). The BALISOR® system (created by OBSTA in the 60's) is a beacon for high voltage lines. Its conductors take the power required directly from the line.

Select another reference:
Balisor B115 110KV to 130KV
Balisor B132 130KV to 160KV
Balisor B220 210KV to 360KV
Balisor B380 360KV and more

Luminous intensity
> 10 Cd
Power source
Autonomous by capacitive effect
Aluminium clamps matching with the diameter of the cable
Standards compliance
ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual Part 4 chapter 14
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